Resume and Interview Tips

Resume Tips

In addition to what your resume says about your qualifications, the way it’s put together says a lot about you. That’s why our friends at Fort Hays State University have prepared information to help students of all kinds. 


Interview Tips

Go to your interview prepared! Here are 10 tips to help you ace your interview. 

  1. Research the school
  2. Prepare your personal sales pitch
  3. Prepare answers to common questions
  4. Align answers with the school’s values
  5. Find examples of your favorite lessons and activities
  6. Bring a portfolio of lessons and artifacts
  7. Provide examples & evidence during the interview
  8. Prepare questions to ask at the end of the interview
  9. Dress so you feel comfortable, professional, and confident 
  10. After the interview, send a handwritten thank you note
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